2 year website update

Dear readers,

My blog, A Frugal Doctor, was launched in December 2020. Therefore, it is now about a little over 2 years old!

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll have noticed that the pace of articles really slowed down in 2022. My goal when I originally started the blog was to try to publish a new blog post every 2 weeks. That quickly became unsustainable and became monthly. Unfortunately, even that has become unsustainable.

Part of it is lack of original content or new ideas. Finance and investing is a vast field, but if you subscribe to the passive investing, “VTSAX and chill” idea, there really isn’t much more to be said. Of course, I’m not blaming the subject matter at all. But there’s a general lack of new ideas to test or new products to review when it comes to passive investing, and I don’t find much value in rehashing the same message over and over again.

Most of it is personal, however. Work has been incredibly busy. On top of that, I broke my leg in August 2022, needed surgery, and was preoccupied with recovery and rehab for the next 2 months or so.

With all that out of the way, I’m happy to report that despite only publishing 7 blog posts in all of 2022, website traffic remains steady and has seen a massive year over year increase compared to 2021. By comparison, I wrote 41 articles in 2021!.

2022 traffic, from Squarespace analytics

I’m proud to say that the site is averaging about 6,000 visits per month with 86k pageviews for the year. Since launching the site 2 years ago, we’ve had 62,000 unique visitors and almost 100,000 pageviews.

The numbers are nice, but ultimately, not the primary focus. I recently received an email from someone who wrote:

Hi Mr.Zhang, 


I really enjoyed your investment classes series, your logic and examples are very easy to follow and your teaching style seems to be a perfect match for me. As a self-investor who lost almost 70% since I started investing 6 years ago, you connected a lot of the dots of my past mistakes! 

Thank you again for being a lighthouse. 

At the end of the day, this blog is just a hobby. But if it can help someone else in some way, then all the better. I do receive a lot of emails, and I apologize if I can’t respond to all of them.

As usual, these blog and personal updates are deliberately obscured from the main content of the site. If you found this anyway, thanks for reading, and have a safe and happy 2023!


1 year, 3 month update